No matter how much content is jammed into Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , Naughty Dog knows the stacked fall lineup can make purchase decisions "tricky" for gamers.
In a recent VideoGamer interview , game director Justin Richmond first addressed the overall cost of the game. Richmond says he doesn't know anything about the manufacturing or shipping costs, but:
"I do know that for the amount of stuff we're putting in here, it is certainly not a bad deal. There are literally thousands of hours of content in this game. It doesn't seem like a crazy price to me. But again, I have no idea what the proper margins are."
"Thousands of hours?" …sounds like a lot. Of course, you have to assume he's including all the multiplayer fun that can be had with Uncharted 3 , including the option to find all the hidden treasures, beat it on Crushing, etc. At any rate, despite the game's obvious appeal and promise, Richmond also knows it won't be easy dealing with the competition. Naughty Dog's game is sandwiched between the likes of Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , remember.
"From a gamer perspective it's going to be very tricky. What I'm hoping is that people will see the inherent value in our game, and that there's something really different about our game. But you know, I'm excited to play all the other games too, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford them. But I totally understand it from a gamer's perspective.
What I'm hoping is that as time goes on… These things are still going to be on the shelf, it's not like we're taking it away. Maybe they don't buy it day one, but maybe they buy it in February? Maybe they buy it in March? We're not going away, and obviously people want to play things the day they come out, if they possibly can, but sometimes they can't."
But at the end of the day, Richmond hopes that if a gamer's funds are limited and they can only go with one title, they'll go with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . And why? Because Naughty Dog is offering something "that nothing else on the market is." Well, we certainly believe that.
Related Game(s): Uncharted 3
Thats awesome. Sounds like a guy that has a realistic view on the gaming market. I'll be getting it but not sure if on day one. Although i'd love to get day 1, i've got other life obligations that need to be taken care of first.
I have other life obligations, too. Like a baby coming any day now. But I've got it pre-ordered from Amazon… which means it'll be delivered to my door. Even if I can't play it day one, it will be popped into the system the second I get a chance.
I have my pre-order in.
Not gf this fall for me, so gonna try to get a couple more of games that I planned, U3 of course gonna be there, but not gonna pay any dlc.
Of all the games I've preordered, of all the games to be released this Summer (or winter in the northern hemisphere), uncharted 3 is at the very top of my most wanted list.
Here is my list in terms of most wanted:
1. Uncharted 3
2. Mass Effect 3
3. Bioshock Infinite
4. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
5. MGS HD Collection
6. Battlefield 3
7. Assassins creed Revelations
8. Zelda Skyward Sword
9. Dance central 2
10. Sonic Generations
Then there's Twisted Metal, Last Guardian, star wars the old republic, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, luigi's mansion 2, halo anniversary, etc.
Uncharted will always be on top to me. Naughty Dog set the standard for what all action adventure titles should be like.
Yep! there's plenty of good games lately.
Dancemachine55 thats over $600 in games buddy
Some gaming decisions are tricky, but this isn't one of them.
So True All PS3 Owners need to have this in there collection.
I'm definitely looking forward to this but the timing is bad. Just got Batman then it'll be Skyrim and MW3 depending on the rebates/credits that are offered. UC3 will be a couple months after that. Maybe February like Justin said.
Mine is already pre-ordered, between this and the extended play of WKC2 and Atelier Totori and finally getting to finish Ar Tonelico Qoga, I will be busy, and that doesn't include GT5 Spec 2, not any new games beyond U3. Who says there are not enough good games? Not me!
Even though I know I'll get more hours out of Skyrim, I am purchasing U3.
In my book, no single game out there sucks me in like the Uncharted series.
I've had mine on preorder the day they started at bestbuy canada, i seriously can't wait any longer for this game lol. I agree maxpontiac this series just sucks you right in like no other.
So he's using the online multiplayer to make it sound better… sounds like a FAIL way to try and impress with big numbers that don't matter. I bet without the online, it might hit 8-12hrs tops…
Except that Uncharted 2 has so many 'wow' moments that you can replay. It has co-op missions and multiplayer so yes it has thousands of hours of gameplay. Whether you believe so or not. The game is great by the way and I believe his words when he said that.
yea, and im having dinner with scooby doo!
i just hope they get rid of that constant fine BS!
and please for the love of god we need some actual DLC for the game!!!!!
i wish they would do a extra SP mission like what gears 3 did, its always nice to go back and try out a new mission.
or some new co-op maps would be nice.
I have already pre-ordered the Collector's Edition.
I have to have the best version of this great game. I have platinum for the 2 previous ones.
Pre-ordered! The other two games don't appeal to me. Not my cup of hemp tea.
We have the CE preordered from Amazon. I think we'll get one of the MW3/BF3 right away, but the others will have to wait until later.