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Is Sony Trying To Launch The PS4 Before The New Xbox?

With the new report that internal Sony developers are already working on titles for the new PlayStation, this begs the obvious question: when will the PS4 arrive?

The answer is important because it tends to have a big impact on a generation. Sony hit first with the PS2 in 2000; the Xbox and GameCube launched over a year later and never had a chance to catch up. Of course, there were other factors involved; i.e., it was Microsoft's debut game console, but we're focusing on the launch dates. Come this generation, it was Microsoft that got the jump on Sony, releasing the Xbox 360 in 2005. The PS3 didn't drop until over a year later and it has been behind ever since, despite the closing worldwide gap.

It's true that the PS3 was far too expensive at $600, the launch lineup wasn't overly impressive, Blu-Ray hadn't yet won the high-definition format war, and the PlayStation Network was in its infancy. However, it really seems as if the head-start is a huge deal for any manufacturer over the past few generations, so does Sony need to beat Microsoft to the finish…er…start line? Could the PS4 launch before the next Xbox? And what if, for the first time, both systems came out at about the same time? That might generate some discussion.

At any rate, with details for new consoles seemingly right around the corner, those discussions are gonna erupt, anyway.

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12 years ago


12 years ago

Love his directness

12 years ago

Well I'm pretty sure we all know that the next xbox will launch with halo but what would the ps4 launch with? killzone 4? infamous 3? mgs? GoW 4? Gran Turismo? I will only get the ps4 because of the great exclusives. So it doesn't matter if it launches after the xbox or before it. Just as long as it is reasonably priced I'll get it. But I'm fine with my ps3 right now I have I'm happy with it.

12 years ago

Don't think it would be a MGS, sadly. If it was it will
Most likely be on more than just Sonys console. But I think GoW4 would be a great launch title, as would any of the others you mentioned!

12 years ago

@bigrailer, I don't think they will or should call it God Of War 4. Let the Trilogy remain legendary as is. I'm ready for the next GOW saga.

But if they call it GOW4 I'm still up in there!

12 years ago

Well then let's say the 4th installment for home consoles.

12 years ago

what was the span between ps2 and 3, 7 or 8 years?

12 years ago

6 years. ps2 was october 2000 ps3 november 2006

12 years ago

I beleive Nintendo is gonna start it off this time in 2012 (holiday time) with there WiiU. Then PS4 some time around Spring 2013 and then Xbox Next or 720 around Holiday 2013. TO answer this question I hope not PS3 has alot of shelf life left etc… even though 360 has more ram and more GPU ram than PS3, it still doesn't even come close to the Cell CPU in terms of quanity and at times quality such as Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and 3, and other PS3 games.

12 years ago

Except that WiiU is Nintendo playing catchup to the present standard offered by PS3 and 360, and more than one analyst has already commented that the WiiU isn't 'next Gen' stuff.

12 years ago

They both have about the same amount of RAM…except the 360 has 512MB GDDR3 shared RAM + 10MB framebuffer and the PS3 has 256MB XDR system RAM + 256MB GDDR3 video RAM. The give and take of both architectures is arguable, though.

12 years ago

Nintendo seems to be its own worst enemy right now. I still Love them but my tastes have gotten far too advanced for what they are bringing to the table. Time will tell. I fear they will Sega-ed in 5 years. Good Luck Mario.

12 years ago

So, here's a question… if you have two systems with, on paper, comparable stats… will a better engineered infrastructure produce head-over-tails better performance?

12 years ago

The WiiU blows my mind, and not in a good way — Nintendo actually has the gall to tout HD graphics as some huge breakthrough, while 360 and PS3 have been offering them the last FIVE-PLUS YEARS. And while I'm moderate intrigued by the connectivity options with the WiiU controller, I'll bet it's nothing one won't be able to do with the Vita and PS3.

12 years ago


If that's the case, Nintendo is really aiming for the younger audience. Plus Nintendo still has great games for the older gen. players that all fell in love with.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/21/2011 2:58:41 PM

12 years ago

It makes no difference.
Coming after the domination of PS1 and PS2, PS3 should have crush the 360 early.
Lack of AAA-launch title, expensive price etc. prevented that.
Yes, in order to be on top, key franchises will have to be a launch game, regardless of PS4 being released later or sooner.

12 years ago

I think the PS3 could have pulled it off even at the expensive launch price. Of course a better price would have helped and more games is simply vital. It just seemed to me that SONY kind of distanced itself fron the PS2. Sony had more than momentum with the PS2. They literally OWNED the market. It was theirs to lose. They should have done everything in their power to associate the PS3 with the PS2 user base. Make it seem like a natural evolution. At launch PS3 seemed like an a Maserati selling to a Ford market.

Some even considered Sony "ARROGANT". In retrospect I now know that Sony was providing a product that the market did not know it needed. Blu-Ray, Internet, etc…

12 years ago

You know, based on all information – except the single statistic of hardware unit sales (which is open to interpretation given the number of dead 360s around) – the PS3 has in fact caught up with and surpassed the 360 globally despite a launch window advantage between 14 and 18 months long for the 360. I don't know about you, but the Ps3 being able to erase a 14-18 month lead and overtake in every meaningful way is, in my opinion, a display of dominance. the only gaming market where the 360 can legitimately claim dominance is in the local US market. Globally, it's a different picture entirely.

12 years ago

True and the fact the sony is coming out with what…100+ titles for the Vita within year one shows you they realized their mistake with PS3 software.
Me, no i will not be getting the PS4 whenever it does launch only because the PS3 as everyone is saying still is very enjoyable. That being said, im moving outta Michigan an probably wont be able to afford something like that till a price drop = /….Guess it has its ups an downs

Last edited by Stabs88 on 10/23/2011 8:44:16 AM

12 years ago

I want my PS4 ie duel cell bbe 2 gigs of ram 8xbd rom drive and newer nvidia gpu and 320gig hdd standard. All developers will have a foot in the door when they start making games, and it will have tons of head room to grow.

12 years ago

Yes I agree. Don't know too much of the technical stuff but I at least know it needs those things you are saying as I've heard a few other people say the same thing, or something like it.

12 years ago

You forgot to include the flux capacitor.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Ooh! Add some time travel capacities! I wanna see how accurate some of these historical games are!

12 years ago

@leatherface. lol 🙂

12 years ago

How about dual (quad?) core POWER7-based CPU w/ enhanced SPE cluster(s) (double-precision and maybe higher # of SPEs) co-processor and AMD Radeon-based GPU? The CPU + SPE co-processor could mostly take care of PS3 backwards-compatibility and even a newer Radeon-based GPU should be able to take care of RSX 'emulation.'

12 years ago

A quad core Power 7 (minus some of the more esoteric features) with a Spurs co-processor and the latest nVidia design would be more likely. Switching to an entirely different GPU family would somewhat ruin the point of sticking with the Cell/Power technology family. If you're going for continuity, stick with nVidia's latest.

12 years ago

I'm more of a nVidia fan myself (too many bad experiences w/ older ATI cards)…it's just that I've heard Sony was likly ditching nVidia.

12 years ago

What I meant is I want my PS4 in 2013 lol

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Or 2014 or 2015… Or later 🙂

12 years ago

No doubt the hardware will be top notch but they need the games. It would be nice to see top notch jrpg and kojima san game at launch. I would certainly buy it day one because I bought a ps3 when MGS4 released and I bought 360 for Lost Odyssey.

Last edited by bebestorm on 10/20/2011 10:10:50 PM

12 years ago

I for one will actually wait for the PS4 to mature, and rather enjoy the huge backlog of PS3 games I am yet to collect and play.

I have many years of buying PS3 games on the cheap and enjoying the unit.

I won't jump straight in. Similarly for the Vita… I realise it is better to watch and wait for the platform to mature… and pick up the system and its AAA games cheaper…

Then you can enjoy all of it a discount if you are prepared to wait and have patience.



12 years ago

I applaud you, the PS3 still has plenty of life and a huge library of games that I haven't fully explored either.

Patience really pays off in the long run, especially in this economy.

12 years ago

I too will enjoy the PS3 as long as I can, and I certainly don't think it's even close to outdated, it's got a lot of life left.

But… If the PS4 is backwards compatible, which it should be, and it has a great lineup of launch titles, I won't hesitate to purchase it.

12 years ago

If they're already working on games in-house, look for a 2012 release. Sony originally showed the PS3 at the 2005 E3 because Microsoft were launching the 360 that year and Sony had to have something to show. They would not have show as much as they did if MS had not been in launch mode. So, this time around I doubt Sony would give an 18 month notification of launch. I would expect that they would show the new system off at E3 with a Holiday 2012 launch window. That gives developers a 6 month window post e# to polish games.

That's assuming that there really are production teams inside Sony already working on PS4 games. If there are not, then I still think it will be a 2013 launch window, and Sony will only say something in 2012 if push comes to shove like it did in 2005.

12 years ago

I can't help but think of Naughty Dog's recent statement about how we won't see any more huge graphical leaps in software titles. No doubt the Dogs have access to PS4 technology (if these reports are to be believed) to make such a bold claim.

Anyways, I think Sony's recent campaigning has primed the PlayStation brand to expand to new hardware (beyond the Vita) in the next couple of years. I'm still trying to catch up on the PS3 titles I've missed out on though; this console should still have plenty of life for a few years more.

12 years ago

I don't think it's a bold claim at all. They have achieved what many developers simply strive to… If anybody can make a claim an it mean something it's them. Personally over the past year or so I havnt seen any significant graphical leaps like Uncharted 2 gave us. So there's probably a lot of validity in that claim.

I think the best days of the PS3 are right now, and right now can last a couple years, we seen that with the PS2. So there's still room for graphical improvement, and the PS3 has a lot of life left, it just probably won't be a very significant leap.

12 years ago

I think it's a bold claim in the sense that, like you've said, other developers haven't been able to master the PS3 hardware and push it to the limits in the same way. Those multiplatform developers seem a little too comfortable with the level of technical prowess they've achieved (albeit titles like Assassin's Creed and Dead Space are stunning). I wholeheartedly agree that Naughty Dog made a meritable claim though, they've been with the PlayStation brand ever since the PS1 so no doubts there.

The PS3's lifespan never concerned me, and neither did the "significant leap" comment because Sony is gathering momentum now more than ever. Long Live Play indeed.

12 years ago

Yea I guess it just depends. I mean take the word of the developer who has made a huge leap in graphics, or listen to those who are comfortable with what they have. Either way I see where your coming from. Like you said some multi plat devs have made good looking games. But I'm not sure what there take is on the matter. But when ND says something like this, I kinda feel like I should take there word for it. Ya know?

But none of this means anything in the sense that the PS3 has no more potential. I'm certain ND would say the same, the PS3 is and will continue to go strong and there's still room for improvement upon games.

But I see where your coming from and I agree.

12 years ago

*thumbs up*

Well put friend 🙂

12 years ago

IMHO Naughty Dog are one of, if not *the* leading software development team on the PS3. They are at the leading edge with the PS3 environment. When they signal that there are no more quantum leaps in graphical quality (resolution wise) coming on the PS3, that's an indication that 2012 will be the last year of such leaps by other 1st party and the elite 3rd party devs. In which case, I'd definitely look to 2013 as the launch window for the PS4.

On the other hand, ND has been showing a lot of U3 over the last year, so we don't really know when they wrapped the majority of the work on the game. It's conceivable that they have been working on PS4 development for months already, even if tit's simply a smaller, more hardcore team. In which case holiday 2012 is a possibility for the PS4. The key aspects of that launch for Sony will be PS4 must not be hideously expensive, PS4 must have a great launch library of games (personally I think it needs to be 100% PS3 compatible), and like the Vita, the PS4 needs to connect with PSN and use all the services and content that users are familiar with.

I hope that the PS4 will be software compatible with PS3 game discs, but I am not certain of it. There are security concerns that could make that more difficult. Although, those security issues could be taken care of with respect to downloadable games sine they can more easily be re-built/packaged using the new security architecture.

12 years ago

Well there might be many factors that come into play in the next year or so that determines if gamers see the Playstation 4, one of them could be cloud gaming..and technology advances that Sony may hold out for..rather than just release the Playstation 4 to be first, it's a wait and see deal.

12 years ago

All the more reason for SONY to introduce a PS4 sooner than later. Sony is of so many things a manufacturer. They know that the market is moving into the cloud. That is where the PlayStation Suite will thrive. So bringing in a PS4 before everyone spreads out into gaming on any device with a screen would be a smart move. Eventually people will have one central device to rule them all. Our lives will be in the machine.

12 years ago

Indeed Fathasun, Sony has shown with the PS3 that they can add/improve features over time as well. So launching PS4 at the end of 2012 does not mean that they cannot move aggressively to cloud gaming or some other thing a year or two through it's life.

Really if you compare the PS3/PSN at launch with the PS3/PSN as it is now, it's like night and day.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Awe, please don't do it yet 🙁 My wallet is already about to die D: Then again, I don't think I'd go for right away anyhow. I'm gonna use my PS3 up until I'm completely done with it. Still got all those hours of UC3 and Skyrim to put into it, soo…. Let's not forget Thieves in Time 🙂

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 10/20/2011 11:42:16 PM

mk ultra
mk ultra
12 years ago

I think it would be fun to see the next Xbox and PS release simultaneously. Then we could see a real console war and see who comes out on top.

12 years ago

That would definitely be ALL OUT WAR! Sony will have to play dirty like M$ because you know they will try to bury the War in money.

12 years ago

Sony won't play dirty, it's not their style. The fanboy wars of this generation will be as nothing compared to the wars to come if they launch simultaneously…

mk ultra
mk ultra
12 years ago

Thats why it would be fun to watch. People would argue till their heads exploded like a Clayton Bigsby sketch.

12 years ago

i dont need PS4 for atleast 2 years, i'm happy with PS3, but yeah i want PS4 release if not before along with the new xbox with many awesome exclusise titles.

12 years ago

Anyone know if Apple is going to jump into the game? I know that Sony has been keeping an eye on them.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x