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Hanna Co-Writer To Handle Shadow Of The Colossus Film Script

We're still leery about this project but maybe with the right cast and crew, it'll come out all right. Maybe.

According to The Hollywood Reporter , Sony Pictures has hired "Hanna" co-writer Seth Lochhead to write the screenplay for the upcoming movie based on the PS2 classic, Shadow of the Colossus .

On board to direct is Josh Trank ("Chronicle") and Kevin Misher ("The Scorpion King," "Public Enemies") will produce the film. As of now, we've heard of no actors confirmed for the project, although you have to assume there can't be very many. I mean, if it's going to be faithful to the game, there's really only one primary character (who never says anything, by the way) and perhaps one or two others with very small roles, depending on how Locchead interprets the storyline.

Personally, I'm relatively convinced that this will be a colossal (get it?) fu**-up. They'll just turn it into a flashy action movie with one dude taking down a bunch of big monsters, and it'll lose every shred of the mystery, awe, and surprisingly touching nature of the game. Hollywood is really good at eradicating such traits from movies based on video games.

Related Game(s): Shadow of the Colossus

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12 years ago

Some other actors they might add are the soldiers in the game. U kno, the group of guys that were tracking the main character? But other than that, im a bit skeptical of the movie in general.

12 years ago

While I would love for a film of SotC to be made, simply for the fact that it's one of my favourite games ever…..I doubt that it could be pulled off well.

The dialogue is very sparse throughout and for the most part, it just consists of taking down 16 huge colossi.

While I would really want for someone to truly showcase what the game represents aka: A Masterpiece, I'm not holding up expectations too high.

There's just so much feeling and emotion in the game, that I feel would just be lost in the transfer to the big screen so to speak.

12 years ago

The sad part is if someone did this seriously as a piece of art unconcerned with marketability it could be an Oscar contender, but the odds of it coming out that way are not good.

12 years ago

I know it will never happen, but I would love to see a sequel for this game. It could take place in another location with a different character for all I care. I just wanna see some new & awesome colossi.

12 years ago

I have to say I did quite like Hanna, I only watched recently and thought the script was fair. As for the directors, I'm not sure on the chap who did The Scorpion King… But I have actually heard good things about Chronicle, so I won't dismiss it instantly .

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 1/8/2013 2:07:08 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I'd forgotten this was in development. So worried that it'll be crap and forever tarnish Team ICO.

12 years ago

The film will definitely be nothing like the game, if it does, it'd be one of the most boring film of all time.
Films can't be enjoyed the same way as video game does.

12 years ago

I just think nobody has figured out how to capture that feeling at the cinema yet. Not impossible but people shouldn't give up and just hammer the story into a typical movie script.

Who says we need lots of dialogue? Who says a camera can't follow a character through epic landscapes and battles for a few hours?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/8/2013 3:50:49 PM

12 years ago

In a perfect world. This film could be a spectacular, awe inspiring, emotional masterpiece.

In Hollywood… it'll just be a crapload of crap. They'll change it too much. They'll make it all actiony, Wander will be a wisecracking smart-ass, there'll be a new hot girl love interest for some cheesy love triangle, and some extra characters to meet along the way… and of course, they'll all speak English.

I can only hope I'm wrong. I'll gleefully eat my words if the film turns out… but I wouldn't bank on it. I just have no faith in video game inspired movies…

12 years ago

The Scorpion King director? This is going to be a disaster.

12 years ago

Just confirmed: zac efron as wander