If you owned the PS2 and never played either ICO or Shadow of the Colossus , we must shake our heads in your general direction and offer up a big, "shame on you."
But if you missed the more recent SotC, maybe you'll get another shot to find it on store shelves in February. It's hardly confirmed but according to the Team ICO Gamers Blog , it seems that "major Japanese retailers have a new listing for a reprint of Shadow of the Colossus (The Best edition) for the 4th February 2010." Obviously, it's for the PS2 and there are links to the sources, although I can't read Japanese; perhaps one of you could locate the actual listings at those retailers. Obviously, if this turns out to be true, it can be easily deduced that such a move is considered pre-hype for Team ICO's upcoming The Last Guardian . We don't know when the latter will arrive, nor are we sure that this SotC re-release will ever see the light of day in North America, but it does make sense. We're talking about one of the most creative, accomplished and absorbing titles of last generation and to give gamers a second shot at buying it…well, that's just awesome. And our hopes for The Last Guardian really couldn't be much higher; definitely one of our "most anticipated."
Wouldn't it be great if this reprint consisted of bonus content? Like maybe an extra Colossus or two? Yeah, that probably won't happen (this isn't a remake for the PS3 in high-def, or something) but it's still worth thinking about. The game totally ruled.
Related Game(s): Shadow of the Colossus
I don't actually own a ps2 now. Only a PS3. In fact me and my brother used to share one. Never had the luxury of playing all those great games during the peak of it's greatness. I don't plan on getting a PS2 now though. But I'd be more than happy to purchase them both remastered for the PS3. I only here great things about these games especially SOTC. Can't wait for them to get the GOW treatment if they do!
Thanks for the generosity TEG3SH, if indeed you were addressing me. You guys on this site are so selfless, I think I could cry…
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 12/15/2009 11:08:49 PM
no worries man , and yes i was addressing you, anytime man