We know how much some of you wanted to see a PlayStation 3 sequel to Shadow of the Colossus . Well, Team ICO has something else in store for you, but you can always revel in the following fact: SotC is going Hollywood.
That's right, according to the Hollywood Reporter, one of last generation's most innovative and artistic games is going to be made into a feature film by producer Kevin Misher. Justin Marks, who is currently working on "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," is slated to write the script, and we're all hoping that Hollywood gets this one right . We're not entirely sure how this becomes a film, because the primary purpose of SotC was puzzle-based; it involved taking down gigantic Colossi that were hundreds of times the size of the hero, Wander. Misher, who has several movies coming out in the next few months ("Fighting" and "Public Enemies"), definitely has his work cut out for him, and we're hoping the movie remains faithful to the game. It could be downright epic if it's done correctly, but there's no doubt that Marks is going to have to toss in a bit more in the way of story and…well, basically all the dialogue. SotC didn't really feature much in the way of an intricate storyline, and as there was only one character (unless you count the horse) who didn't say anything, they've got some work to do.
Chances are, they're going to flub it as they've flubbed so many game-to-movie adaptations in the past. Unfortunately, they're really going to sully the good name of a definite classic if they do that, so everyone just cross your fingers and pray.
Related Game(s): Shadow of the Colossus
Yikes and I still have the awful taste of Mortal Kombat in my mouth…*shudder*
im sure you meant to say street fighter not mortal kombat.and there is a huge difference HUGE
*Gasp* … I loved the first MK movie. Granted, I was 13 when it came out. But still, with all the downright awful VG based movies out there, I would consider MK one of the 'okay' ones.
all I have to say is Noooooooooo!
This movie better be effin epic.
This is just awful. Even if it had talented people working on it, it would be terrible. It is not meant to be anything like a movie. Anyone that played all the way through it knows that. Hell, anyone that played an hour of it knows that. To make matters worse the people working on it are useless so it will probably be worse than anyone can possibly imagine. It better get canned.
Guillermo Del Toro or no money from me.
Okay so the words "epic fail" are now overused and cliche on the interwebs, but I think this is a situation in which they will apply.
Think Great idea wrapped around typical flimsy Hollywood storyline and that'll be it. God I hope this one hits the cutting room floor like the Metal Gear and God of War movies.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/7/2009 10:46:39 PM
speaking of that, what ever happened to the metal gear movie, when is it gonna even happen???
…..damn… this is kinda scary…. This movie better be damn amazing…
Why? This is horrible….I have zero faith in hollywood!
Last edited by bebestorm on 4/7/2009 11:03:55 PM
Oh… no. Hollywood has become so embarrassing.
This movie will give new meaning to "epic fail" and tarnish a good name in the process
All this film need now is Shia LaBeouf!
And to Quote Mr.LaBeouf "Nonononononononononononononono!"
While I doubt this movie will do the game any justice at all I don't have a problem with it being made.
No doubt an interesting excercise… we'll see how it turns out and how many millions of dollars are burned in the process!
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 4/8/2009 12:07:24 AM
hmm… maybe there is a bit of hope for this movie yet… i read a little more about it and apparently the focus of the movie will be shifted more towards **SPOILER** (kinda) the characters who had gone after Wander. It can help to better realize the story if done right.
I think it would be a whole lot easier to watch the movie based off that alone, but scary none the less…
So the movie will be a sequel to the game?
not necessarily. from what i had seen, it seems as if its going to be a simple re-telling, only the perspective will not persist heavily upon the wanderer as in the game. It will lean towards the group of people who were going after the wanderer.
But "Fighting" looks stupid as hell, and I've never heard of "Public Enemies"
The movies mentioned in the article by the same producer.
And didn't he do Scorpion King? I can smell what's in this brown paper bag a mile away.
Hollywood better stick to their crap scripts and movies and leave the gaming world out of it. They are worlds apart….
Movies based on games and games based on movies have never been epic so leave it alone. I would much rather play SOC 2 than watch the movie about the 1st one….
Well I won't be rushing to see it. Now if it was a silent Japanese anime in the style of princess mononoke or the like then it could have been amazing
OH BOY…another CG adventure with Giant Monsters….I'm worried, but will probably watch it.
Let's write Hollywood so we can get a movie about Heavenly Sword and Lair too.
Man I really hope this gets axed. I don't even know what else to say to this…
John, you can't put up articles like this in the evening. I couldn't sleep last night because of this atrocity.
well the animation has gotten better in the last couple of years and since there is little if any talking or acting in sotc Im going to rely on the atmosphere and the colossus CG animation to make the movie good
Well, maybe it'll pique interest enough so that they'll actually make another GAME. That'd make it worthwhile, eh? 🙂
I watched The Day the Earth Stood Still last night, that was a massive fail.
Bad idea.
No i will never see any movie that was a game before the movie came out (unless its metal gear solid) it just doesn't work.It also goes both ways when movies – games collide (although I like the godfather series both movie and game)
It goes like this
Scenario #1 – A awesome blockbuster movie gets released and one way to get the hype train going is to make a mediocre game to bring in a couple more bucks but its pretty much a carbon copy of another mediocre game with different story characters
Scenario #2 – A epic game such as *cough* resident evil, silent hill, super mario bros, Laura Croft,street fighter, mortal kombat, Max Payne, hitman *cough* gets raped by big name studios thinking gamers will rejoice that their favorite games are now on the big screen
when in fact they took what made that particular game epic and turn it into a pile of $h!%
I honestly think it will never work because the way one plays a game is always going to be different from the next man (hence gamers are the directors so to say). I'm not dissing all game movie combos but they are so hard to find a great game/movie coincide together.
just my 2 cents