Well, it's certainly a good sign for the impending launch of Resident Evil 5 .
Concerning the question, "What is your favorite Resident Evil?," PSXE readers have made a very clear choice, and it's the most recent installment in the franchise: Resident Evil 4 . And although RE5 has come under fire for being too much like its predecessor, it appears that a great many people adored RE4, so that won't be much of an issue, right? The great thing about RE4, on both the GameCube and PS2, is the fact that it breathed new life into an ailing franchise. Not only did it do away with some of the gameplay conventions that didn't allow RE to really flow, but it was also the most dynamic survival/horror experience to date. That over-the-shoulder aiming mechanic worked like a charm and gave us more control than ever before; even though we may never be able to move and shoot at the same time, the experience is always entertaining.
Now, in moving on with our "favorite" polls, the next logical step involves the widespread phenomenon known as Grand Theft Auto . As the series exploded onto the scene with GTAIII, that's the one we'll start with. It'll be interesting to see what happens, but we know there are a lot of Vice City fans on the site…
GTAIII, though they all were amazing…
Vice City was REALLY fun
GTAIV pretty awesome too, just miss the cartoony-ish look and feel…
I'll stay with RE, the original game was extraordinaary.
IMO RE4 was made for the newer generations
Yeah true that, they just wanted to keep up with like God of War, and other action adventure games.
But no RE will ever be like RE2, that game was godly…
Scarecrow, you said it bro. I voted for the godly RE2. Man that game was something else. Always pray a remake, who knows?
Althou RE4 was awesome and I agree with the outcome I just get the feeling that RE4 was the only RE game that a lot of people played. Althou RE4 improved on so many things Resident Evil 2 was still one of the greatest in the series so far. Looking forward to RE5, I'm use to the controls as well so it won't be an issue for me. As far as GTA goes I'd say San Andreas was my favorite. I know everyone is probably gonna choose GTAIV, but San Andreas was my personal favorite in the series so far…
I believe RE4 being chosen simply reflects the majority of the those voting being of a rather young age. Anyone in their right (mature) mind would have selected Resident Evil 2.
Completely agree. RE2 was, and still remains, the best in the series.
no way man the old resi were not good at all….resi 4 is the only one i liked….though maybe its coz i dont consider it a classic coz i played the old ones when they were really outdated
Honestly Ive been playing RE since RE1. RE2 was my favorite until RE4 came along. Face it its just much better lol
yea,face it Re4 is the BEST….the first ones are classics but Re4 summed everything up,get used to it all you!
i still prefer the 1st 3 games far beyond the 4th. RE4 isnt a Horror game, its a gruesome action game. and i just prefer the classic horror style, i loved Siren: Blood Curse on the PS3, just completed it yesterday. The UK is finally getting Silent Hill: Homecoming this friday, to be honest i think we should get a discounted price for the accient delay but i think i'll get it.
I remember on RE3 in the poilce department, thers that loong tight corridoor with many turns, Nemesis was chasing after me, i was panicing and runing and after many turns at the end of the room were like 6 zombies, not seeing them i ran straight in the middle of the pile and got attacked, while fighting them off Nemesis was still after me, he go to the zombies, got out his rocket launcher fired a missle at demosilshing one of them! then he ran inton the pile smacking one of the zombies out of the way and grabbed me to finish me off.
I cetainly never experienced anythign as intesnse at that in RE4.
agreed. but what about RE0? didnt like that one? RE4 is more like a third person shooter game than it is a horror game. the zombies are not like zombies anymore, its more like some sort of alien humans.
now zombies can talk, think, pick up weapons, and fight like humans. what's up with that?
not that there is anything wrong with it,
but its not the same RE games as i was use to.
capcom went a different direction with the resident evil series and it seems like the classic style isnt coming back =(
also glad that ur picking up silent hill, i picked it up just a couple days ago.
horror? I mean come on, none are that "scary". I thought RE3 was the worst.
Same here, RE:Remake, RE0 and RE2 were the gratest, we all loved them the way they were: with static cameras, old-school controls. None of that mattered back then.
This poll shows one funny thing – 95% of people who moans about sh** controls in RE4, RE5 and that "they will pass on No.5" are still gonna buy it and enjoy it much and on the next poll they will vote for RE5…
sad, but true
Meh, I voted for RE2, which is the only one I've played. Now, with GTA it's a bit tougher. I'll got with Vice City though, even though I never owned it, but I played a lot of it at friend's houses, and I loved everything of it!
vote vice city because it is by far the best one 😀
It did have the best soundtrack. 🙂
I played Vice City when i was the age of 7 lmao
I picked it up and played it on the PS2 when my cousin wasnt looking (secretly turned it on, then started playing it with no volume.)
The story was good, and killing random ppl and doing random shiz was the best experience a 7 year old could have….XD
But i nvr played any other GTA after that, cuz well, i lost interest. Deep down there all the same, cept with different stories, lil gameplay tweaks here and there, online, graphics upgrade, etc. but essentially there the same.
I chose RE4 i've played the others, i just like RE 4 better and i'm not a younger generation either pushing 28 🙂 RE0 was good on the cube, wish i could find RE0 and RE2 without paying a hefty price.
GTA VICE City all the way!
RE2 was incredible, no doubt, but I'll never forget the first time I played the original. That game literally scared the sh** outta me and that was an awesome feeling cuz it was the first game I ever played that did that. I lost my copy of it somewhere along the way and I desperately wish they'd release it on PSN. I know they have it in the japanese store or something like that, but seriously re-release it already in the U.S. store. We've all waited patiently.
mmmm im going for GTA SAN ANDREAS ALL THE WAY!
i liked san andreas too but i wouldnt say it was the best i would rather go for vice city
I think it's interesting that the die hard RE fans prefer the game with the most archaic control scheme, and the people who seem to have never played them are complaining about the RE4-5 scheme.
I like all 4s RE4, GTA4, MGS4, Devil May Cry4.
How is San Andreas winning? Everyone give Vice City some love.
Resident Evil (the original) came out when I was 15 and it gave me nightmares. Resident Evil 4 was fun as hell but like previous people have pointed out it lacked the scare factor of the earlier games. Resident Evil was best when it was scary, sure the controls were not the greatest but they were easily overlooked.