We thought this would be a much closer race than it was, but clearly, God of War II is just too good.
In what turned out to be a landslide victory for Sony's incredible sequel, the readers have selected GoWII as the best PS2 game in existence and we have to say, it's tough to argue. Although it's very possible to make a legitimate argument for the runner-up ( Final Fantasy X ), one simply can't deny just how close to action perfection GoWII came; for that generation, it absolutely trounced the competition. It's one of the reasons why we all so desperately want the third installment on the PS3: this is one series that has yet to let anyone down, as even the PSP entry ended up being one of the best handheld experiences ever. GoWII somehow managed to build on the already-impressive foundation of the original and there isn't a soul on earth who can look us in the eye and say, "yeah…we just didn't like it." No. That's not gonna fly. Everyone loved that game, damnit! Anyway, here are the final PS2 Best of the Best: Overall standings:
Gold Medal: God of War II
Silver Medal: Final Fantasy X
Bronze Medal: Gran Turismo 4
Now that this has been settled, we're taking a little break from the console awards and zeroing on something a little more specific. What's your favorite installment of some of the industry's most successful franchises? We're going to start with a PlayStation classic: Metal Gear Solid . What's your favorite MGS? And yes, you guessed it: when we're done figuring out your favorites for a bunch of franchises, we'll stack all the winners against each other. So vote now!
This is complete bull!!!
Those are good games but by far GTA 3 or San Andreas deserved the title. GTA is what made the PS2 the SMASHING success it was and it was why all of my friends and me wanted one.
It was also the best selling title by far on the PS2.
"It was also the best selling title by far on the PS2"
Maybe so, but it isn't the title that this community picked as their most favorite game. The majority chose the winner and the majority think that those 3 games are better than GTA 3 ans GTA SA.
No the "majority" isn't on forums. The Majority choose GTA.
The results you see are from a poll for the best of the best PS2 games. All GTA games didn't make it into the finals.
Apparently the world ends at the polls?
I trying to explain to you that the winners are from the polls in PSXExtreme. That the users in PSXExtreme chose the game for themselves to which they thought was the best game. What has teh rest of the world got to do with it? This isn't a world poll Josh.
You say the polls are bull, why? Should eveyone in here choose GTA because you said its the best game.
The polls are for fun and not to find which game officially the world thinks is the best on PS2.
IMO, MGS 3, Ico, Shadow of the Colossuss, God of War are better games than GTA 3 and GTA San Andreas.
Last edited by bamf on 2/1/2009 11:32:34 PM
Well thats your opinion. One that clearly is not in the mainstream.
Now I haven't even heard of these games really into coming on here. God of War? What was that? MGS who?
Now I know they are good games now. But GTA was much more responsible for the success of the PS2 then those titles ever where. Hell they even made sure the Slim model was ready in time for SA.
Josh, SHUT IT. You're pissing me off with your ignorance lately. I'm starting to doubt you've ever owned a PlayStation console based on these IDIOTIC comments.
The PlayStation community adored both GoW and GoWII, and along with FFX and GT4 in 2001, they were defining titles for the generation. Nobody, NOBODY, defines the PS2 generation with freakin' GTA. It's defined with the exclusives as it always has been in every generation.
STOP being so argumentative with everyone and STOP making a trillion posts DESIGNED to get people upset. LAST WARNING.
Josh, i think that you are the person that is full of bull
ok, GTA3 and onwards were very vital to the PS2's success….. i'll give you that
but the PS2 had alot more than just GTA
PS2 still had the FF series (basically exclusive back in the day, but alas…. SE just can't resist M$'s money bags), Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter, and of course God of War
God of War practically renewed interest in the PS2 (at least for all the people that flocked to the Xbox when it came out)
it showed that amazing graphics can be achieved on even an older console
back when i first saw about GOW #1, i thought "that must be for the Xbox, cause i have never seen a PS2 game look so good."
God of War II is befitting of the PSXExtreme BotB title, because it is just that good.
joshua guess what else is in the mainstream, wii sports, environmentalist and democrats, all realy bad yet popular, lol just kidding plz don't hate me.
gta now way! only second to halo in most overated series ever
Ok now I see..It has to be exclusive to matter.
Yeah I owned them all but the PS3. And unlike many here that was all I played ever since the PS1 came out. My dad bought me the silver original when it came out. Along with my first game Need for Speed. Back then it was done by road&track. I then got Crash and Gran Turismo. When I got older the PS2 came out and I was one of the first to get it along with a Copy of GTA3. It was all me and my friends could think about. Everyone wanted it. And along with success came many knockoffs(True Crime) (Driver 3).
Then when the PSP came out who got one? ME. I bought the headphones for it I bought Liberty City Stories(another GTA that was also the best selling title for PSP…).
And then I rented a PS3 and gave the most unbiased report I have yet seen on a console. I admitted what I liked and what I dident. But no im a fanboy.
Honestly the only thing pissing me off is this lack of respect for anyone elses opinions but their own. If they dont agree Sony isnt perfect they know nothing. Lets not forget that not everyone in the World chooses PlayStation anymore. Its not the ones who praise that make Sony be better. Its the ones who realize their faults and say make better or my money is elsewhere.
I see that they are only better if they are only on PlayStation. Sorry for my mistake.
There was one previous poll where the list was so strong I couldn't pick a winner.
GoW 2 is a worthy champion but so is MGS 2 and 3, Ico and Shadow of the Colossuss
Last edited by bamf on 2/1/2009 10:55:57 PM
NOOOOOO, I can't possibly choose between them!! Why must u make us choose!
God of War is ruthless.
Holy cow.
Joshua I never thought you as a fanboy or evil person but now that your pic has other people (one girl wearing an Xbox shirt)in it, I somehow get a completely different vibe from you 😛
Anyway, today is February the 2nd. Killzone 2 review naaooooow. Please 🙂
Im not in the pic. But its nice to see people enjoying the hobby.
We love you MS! Well atleast I do.
I think maybe they're on central time. So, maybe Killzone 2 review in the next ten minutes.
I would have to say that Metal Gear Solid 2 is my favorite of the Metal Gear Solid series. I haven't played MGS4, I have my hopes up for it being better than MGS2.
Ahh anything from team ico is a masterpice for me, and I like ff10 more than gow2 bu that is just personal opinion. ben how do I vote? I wonder which of the ff will be voted the best, sarcasm.
I think Josh had too many drinks during the game, his bot-ness is seeping out. "We love you MS" what a cumdumpster.
I picked FFX but GoWII is a close second for me. Though I'm not surprised, sheer blood soaked action is always more popular and I have no trouble with that.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/2/2009 12:07:48 AM
Not only was I smashed but I lost $100 because of the last 30 seconds.
God Damnit Cardinals.
Shit Josh, that is two years of Xbox Live and 1/3 of a PS3 you threw away!
oh man, i was pulling for FFX cause that was the game that made me really want a PS2 back in the day, and it was the first FF that i had ever played (granted i had seen my friends play FF before that, and i played with them, but FFX was the first one that i had played by myself)….. ah, the memories 🙂
but its ok, cause i love me some GOW and i have fond memories of that series as well.
That's 'absodulably' Qwarktastical!
Last edited by Banky A on 2/2/2009 1:59:42 AM
i agree with world end im not suprised GoW2 won, i still prefer FFX though.
as for MGS, though cookie, i'd say MGS2 because thats the one i always replay, though for story MGS1 easily.
about the next poll…..
i have never really been an MGS fan
i just don't care for it
i still think its a cool series though
i wouldn't say that her lol
Last edited by Random_Steve on 2/2/2009 3:02:49 AM
dont feed the troll,the fatter it gets,the greedier it gets.
ignore it & it will soon go back under its bridge,or into its cave.
As for the poll,i missed out on both gow games(i know i know,try to refrain for puking)i was doing naughty things with women & illegal substances.myself & a mate are on the look out for both games before no.3 drops next year.
PS.how come mg3 did'nt make the list,i took time off swimming in a sea of sex n drugs to play that masterpiece,what gives?
Last edited by Lord carlos on 2/2/2009 4:02:49 AM
God of War 1 and 2 were okay but they didn't live up to the hype. In my case anyways. I just didn't see what was so great about them. I won't even bother with the third.
I much more prefer Final Fantasy X and Shadow of the Colossus as the best games of last generation.
Now let's see if my Metal Gear pick wins lol
i didnt even know about god of war till it came out and i was like wow what is this game it rocks
Didn't live up to the hype??? Those were two of the highest rated games on the PS2 and God of War II pushed the PS2 as far as it could go! I do agree with you about Shadow of the Colossus though 🙂
Congrats to gow2, now ffx I never played because I rarely have to play rpgs I do love the series and I love mgs series. I will eventually get around to ffx.
I have never beat a GTA, they bore me. Too much freedom and not enough action. Like mario 64. I though maybe I was letting my love for PS blind me to this game when I was young, but I tried it recently, and I still don't get it. I am no longer biased, I am 26, a good game is a good game. But some games just don't work for me.
Good response. You like what you like right?
Sometimes GTA will bore me and ill put in Call of Duty. No games perfect. But we sure as hell have some nice choices nowadays.
If there was any GTA game that I absolutely adored it would have to be Vice City. God I felt so alive in that game. Freaking awesome game. The story was pretty sick, even though it was somewhat original, and the characters were badass. But GOW and GOW II seriously dominates GTA. GOW was addicting, where GTA for me was just a game to pass time with (IMO). I voted for FFX and heck I'm not finished with it nor have I beat the 2nd Sin yet lol. So i have a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg WAY to go. But I really liked it and enjoyed it. Unfortunately I don't have so much patience to lvl up =). Hopefully it comes along some time soon haha.
I voted Ratchet & Clank 😀 I love that game and ALWAYS will.
lol nice nasah! 😀
I love Ratchet & Clank so much.
I think we should mate, maybe a 3-way.
Ok that came out wrong *[but I'm still submitting this comment for comedic reasons]*…
Though, I feel SOC should've nabbed a medal, I never played FFX, so I'm not sure. But, all props to GOW2 and GT4, mos def.
In all honesty Final Fantasy X is my favourite game, not just in this poll but probably my favourite gaming experience to date. Supose i shouldnt blab on cuz i do wen talkin about it lol. But still, i loved God of War II as well (great climax) WE WANT GOD OF WAR 3!! 🙁