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PSXE Best Of The Best Poll Update: Tekken 5 Floors Competition

Perhaps some of you young'uns don't remember, but the fighting genre was once the supreme ruling force in the video game world. And although those days are long gone, we can always look back on the glory days of bashin' with great fondness.

We're doing just that with our Best of the Best: PS2 Fighter category, and after the first week, the reader response is clear: Tekken 5 leads the way heading into the second and deciding week, but there's a whole lot of competition duking it out for second and third place. Positions 2-7 are separated by a mere 58 votes so anything can happen! Sadly, only 5 make it into next week, but that's okay. It'll be very interesting to see how things stack up once the fighting – obvious pun – is complete, but it does appear as if the latest Tekken installment will claim Gold and go up against the other Gold Medal PS2 winners. As most fans of the genre will tell you, Tekken 5 really pushed the franchise yet again, and there's really very little wrong with it. We're expecting great things from the sixth entry, loosely scheduled for next year, primarily because the fifth was just so good…and that one was on an out-dated piece of hardware. So anyway, here are the 5 that qualified for Round 2:

Tekken 5

WWE SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain

Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Soul Calibur III

Tekken Tag Tournament

Yep, another Tekken snuck in there, just 1 vote in front of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance . That's the way things shake out sometimes, especially when the #1 choice out-distances the competition, which is left fighting for the scraps. Well, we'll have to see which of the remaining five come home with a medal, so vote away!

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16 years ago

No Virtua Fighter 4 love?

Despite being the best 3D fighter out there?
The characters have gotten way more interesting too.

16 years ago


16 years ago

Soul Calibur is getting my vote

16 years ago

I loved me some Tekken 5, I gaze upon the Online Bundle pack at the Store wondering whether to purchase it or not all the time. That or a foray into the Penny Arcade Adventures realm.. CHOICES, CHOICES!!

16 years ago

Gotta say Tekken is my least favorite of all those.

16 years ago

I preffer Tekken Tag, T5's juggling system fails! Im glad Virtua Fighter is out, its one of the tackiest game series ive ever seen, its so plain.

16 years ago

kinda failing to see how Tekken 5's juggle system "fails"as you call it, sounds more like you got those nostalgia tinted glass on and can't seem to like things that are newer.

Tekken DR is probably one of the better ones in the series, followed by tag

16 years ago

Tekken 5 was most definitely the best fighter on ps2,i think the new arcade system definitely played a major role in Tekken 5's longevity,yknow that moving up the rank from 7th kyu-1stdan etc…..That made me hold Tekken 5 for a looooooong time.SC II n III were great but nuthin compared to T5.

Tekeen 5 FTW no doubt!
A friend of mine stole mine……but his sins are forgiven cause now am the one with the ps3 n he's with a wii,he wishes he could come stay with me in my house but in his dreams he will…..

Last edited by www on 12/22/2008 5:40:26 AM

16 years ago

Tekken 6 to 360=fail. That loss hurt.

16 years ago

It wont matter. The arcade is based on the PS3 so the game might be better in all aspects. The game play will be better for sure.