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PSXE Best Of The Best Poll Update: Kratos Tops Stiff Competition

We figured this would be the most hotly contested category for the PS2 Best of the Best Polls, despite the closeness of the recent RPG competition. After the first week, though, God of War II pulled away from its worthy competitors and took the top slot heading into the second and deciding week.

SCEA's insta-classic was an unbelievable follow-up to the original title, and it gave action aficionados everything they could possibly ask for…and more. Kratos, one of the biggest bad-asses in gaming history, ripped his way through foe after foe, and for our part, we have difficulty remembering a more enjoyable experience. However, we can't sell the other competitors short, as four other downright fantastic gems are into the second week. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater poses the most significant threat to GoWII at this point (surprisingly, MGS2 didn't make the cut), while "Your Favorite GTA" snapped up third. Really, there isn't a game that isn't worthy of some sort of recognition on this entire list, so we realize it's a difficult decision. But Round 2 will make the final determination, and here's the top 5:

It's good to see another old favorite – DMC – crack into the top 5, too. So hey, let's see if any of those four titles can pose a legitimate challenge to GoWII; we leave it all up to you. Vote away, valued readers!

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Sir Shak
Sir Shak
16 years ago

you did say in your GOWII review that it was the best game created for the ps2 !

16 years ago

Rightly so!
GOWII topped the original GOW, something few sequels do.

That game is amazing…the fun factor, fun gameplay, bone-crushing action, great story, and actually fun puzzles really makes this game a masterpiece.

MGS3 is a masterpiece too, it's weird to even see it lose. But yeah only a GOW could do that.

16 years ago

meh i like MGS2 better, MGS3's camo system really fails.

16 years ago

How about a list of top Sony exclusives stolen by M$?

16 years ago

No Shadow of the Colossus :(. That sucks. I duno what to vote for now though, lol.

16 years ago

I loves MGS2 but I voted for GoW2 cuz it's way better lol.

16 years ago

God Of War 2…GOTY Cant wait for God Of War 3

16 years ago

Shadow of the Colossus should've advanced. In my case it was a better game than only of the others on the list. Not to mention the most original lol. God of War is good and all but I never have been a real fan of button mashers.

16 years ago

It's not a button masher

16 years ago

Here's my top ten list of Action Adventure games on the PS2:

1# Devil May Cry 1
2# Devil May Cry 3
3# God Of War 2
4# God Of War 1
5# Shadow Of Rome
6# GodHand
7# Nanobreaker
8# Castlevania LOI
9# Gungrave 2
10# Resident Evil 4

I did not include MGS because IMO it is more of an adventure game than action.

mk ultra
mk ultra
16 years ago

I enjoyed Shadow of Rome as well. I forgot about that game.

16 years ago

Man, Shadow of Rome was so much fun! I never really heard about it until my friend brought it over one day a long time ago.

16 years ago

If only I could go back in time before I played God of War and enjoy it all over again…

16 years ago

I picked MGS3, I had a hard time picking between that and Shadows of the Colossus because I think SoTC is one of the best and most original games I've played in a long time. It's a very very pure action/adventure type game, but I think MGS3 is the best MGS there is so I went with it. I kind of wish I could just split my vote because I'm never sure whether or not I truly made the right pick.

mk ultra
mk ultra
16 years ago

I voted for SoTC. My vote goes for RE4 now. I probably had more fun playing GoWII, but there was something special about RE4. I can re-play that game over and over and it never gets old to me.

16 years ago

Devil May Cry is possibly the best action game of all-time for me.