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Is The PS2 Dead? Not Quite Yet

This is one of those times when we will have to disagree – to some extent – with recent comments issued by developers. According to MCVUK, several of the leading UK developers and publishers have been talking about the PS2, and one concludes that it's curtains for Sony's last-generation console.

All of the developers and publishers in question have said they are leaving the PS2 behind and focusing entirely on the PS3, which makes sense, despite the PS2's ridiculously huge user base of well over 100 million. But Mastertonic's Andy Payne, whose Blast label has done quite well on the PS2 in the past, said the PS2 is on its deathbed.

"The PS2 market has been virtually killed overnight. There's been no real run-off like with the PSOne, and that's because retail just does not have the space."

This seems like a strange sentiment at this point in time. "Overnight" may not be the right word to use, considering the fact that the PS3 launched two years ago and the PS2 continues to sell units and software. Certain Japanese publishers – like Atlus, for example – continue to release new titles ( Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is scheduled for a December 9 release in North America), and up until the last few months, the PS2 has outsold even the Xbox 360 in Japan. Furthermore, we can't agree with the "no run-off" comment; personally, I don't remember PS1 software lasting more than two years after the PS2 launched in 2000. Do you? As for retailers "not having the space," we were just down at GameStop and they've got just as much space allotted for PS2 software as they do for PS3 software. Still .

In many ways, the PS3's slow start in 2006 and early 2007 allowed the PS2 to find its way into more homes worldwide, and we figure the PS2 has another 6 months of being relevant, and perhaps another year at least before Sony discontinues the machine for good. It's cheap, it has a gigantic library (especially if you count the PS1 library it can play), it's a regular ol' DVD player, and its smaller size lets it fit snugly just about anywhere. Furthermore, we fully expect to see one last surge when Sony drops the price to $99, which could be soon…  The PS2 dead? Eh…not yet, guys.

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16 years ago

I think there maybe a $99 PS2 over the Summer '09. As for games, a lot of the multi-platform games/sports games/movie games still enjoy a sizeable amount of sales on the PS2 as well.

I still see a lot of people buy games like FIFA 09, NHL 09, Madden 09, etc. As well as people who just buy the PS2 so they can get a cheaper version of Guitar Hero or Rock Band, that are willing to sacrific being able to download songs. (Which is remedied by Track Packs now or whatever).

16 years ago

First they are going to have to release the PS2 emulator for all of us "unlucky" 40gig owners. I have a PS2 and it plays PS1 games. Even the new slim ones play PS1 games.
It makes no sense to lose profit on all of the PS2 games available on the market. If my PS2 dies and I can not get a new one, then what? EBAY, toss 300+ games away??
They have to release the emulation ability before they kill this system. I honestly beleive that the continued sales of the PS2 is the ONLY reason we have not gotten it yet.

I just would hate to lose me 350GB hard drive in my PS2 and have to open up my game cabinet again to play…

16 years ago

weird and here i was thinking that you could only put up to 160 gigs in a ps2 and did you put all 300+ games on the 350 gig drive?

16 years ago

Wow and here I thought the ps2 was in the past…

The ps1 had an AMAZING run into 2000…with FFIX releasing at the end of it and all…

Anyway it is something

16 years ago

In my opinnion the PS2 was dead over a year ago,Dont get me wrong i love playing ps2 games still on my ps3,but none of the new titles particually excite me.

16 years ago

I guess you're not a JRPG fan then:

Eternal Poison
Persona 4
Ars Tonelico 2

16 years ago

The PS2 should last at least for another 3 years or so.

Anyways, what happened to that slimmer version of the current slim PS2?

16 years ago

there was a gust of wind and they were blown away

Last edited by Jed on 11/13/2008 8:11:21 PM

16 years ago

I still have to play RE4 and ICO.

16 years ago

Get on it, RE4 is great.

16 years ago

The PS2 is losing it's hooks I would say. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, and other favored PS2 series have left for the PS3. Still The PS2 has many great titles for gamers, not counting the new stuff on the PS2, because some of the new stuff does not interest me much. PS2 is still a good system to fall back on.

Last edited by Sol on 11/13/2008 4:24:37 PM

16 years ago

@ coverton341

I have a lot of games on there, but not quite all of them. Some PS2 games are 4gig each. If you do it right, all you need is a "Fatty" PS2, a PS1 game, an SD card, HHD, and network adapter to load and play your games from the hard drive. You will need a thumb drive to set it all up too.

PM me and I can walk you through it.

16 years ago

I recently got a boatload of some of the best PS2 games I've unfortunately missed out on before…all for around $10 each.

MGS3, Klonoa 2, God of War 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, FFXII, Xenosaga Ep. III…the PS2 component of my PS3 will still be put to good use 🙂

Last edited by wquach on 11/13/2008 5:05:27 PM

16 years ago


loved that game to death. If i wasn't absolutely broke right now i'd get it off ebay…

16 years ago

for me, ps2 is still good for years to come.

not as gaming device, but as multimedia player 😀
really love the avi and subtitle support and OGG support 😀 😀

16 years ago

according to october NPD, it is…sold 60K less than PS3 in hardware, and didn't make the top 10 in software…

If Sony didn't think it was a dead platform, they wouldn't have opened it up so anyone can make a game for it now.

16 years ago

I agree. PS2 is far from dead. As long as the PS3 does not produce quality and grand JRPGs + Adventure games, at least not much so far still, PS2 will still serve the big needs for so many quality JRPGs and Adventure games along with many others. Its gonna be a while before its gone for good. I am still playing lots of PS2 RPGs from time to time. Reason why, there is nothing on PS3 yet, WKC and FF13 are coming, but not yet and thats also not enough for PS3. We need all the developers hop onto PS3 and mas produce RPGs on PS3 just like PS2. Then when that time comes, PS2 can retire and hang in the game console HALL OF FAME. lol

16 years ago

Dude, once they bring down PS2 to like $99 its gonna go back up again. Haha. PS2 just owns man. I need to get me one of those slim ones. I still have the very very old one.

16 years ago

Agree with Ace, theres no reason this thing shouldn't be $99 except to say that they are still making money on it. She ain't dyin any time soon, kudos to Ben for not just reporting the news but weighing in on its' BS.

16 years ago

I'm glad that Sony did't abandon PS2 people when PS3 came out (M$ discontinued the original xbox when the 360 became popular despite great games like halo 1 and 2). If Sony can squeeze PS2's graphics and technology into the PSP then they should come out with an ultra-small PS2 for $100 or less. They also should give it a simplified version of the XMB and maybe give it everything PSP has to offer unless they want to keep it bare-bones 🙂

16 years ago

Yeah I'll probably get a ps2, a couple games, and a couple monitors and stick it in the back of my car.

16 years ago

WOW! PS2 still selling hot. Can you evan buy the original xbox? Or is it going down like the RED RING OF DEATH???? LOL

16 years ago

The funny thing is that PS2 has been out longer and the original xbox has a few more features (I'm a playstation fan but I have to admit) but if you go to a retail store you won't find one unless it's one that was never sold (like how a retail store may still have a 40gig. PS3 even though they were discontinued a few months ago). When M$ comes out with the next xbox they will probably abandon the 360 sooner or later.