Well, as anticipated, it's a neck-and-neck battle between Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII , which lead the pack into the second week of the Best PS2 RPG Poll voting.
Many will argue that the PS1 was the undisputed king of the role-playing genre, but the PS2 had its fair share of amazing RPG experiences. We would've thought Suikoden III and Shadow Hearts: Covenant would've fared much better, but it seems that few are willing to vote for anything that doesn't say "Final Fantasy" in the title. Still, Kingdom Hearts II – at least at this point – seems almost assured of the Bronze when all is said and done, while FFX and FFXII fight it out for the Gold. At first, due to the sheer number of RPGs on the PS2, we almost wanted to include another 10 titles. But then, we realized they'd all be superfluous due to the obvious fact that FFX and FFXII are gonna garner the vast majority of all the votes. It'll be interesting to see which one pulls it out; the two were only separated by a mere 4 votes!
The 5 that have made it into the second week are:
Okay, so vote away and let's see which of the two FF Goliaths come away with the Gold and earn a spot in the Best Overall PS2 poll. That's later, though; we have to establish all the genre winners first, remember? As always, you can talk about the poll and all its justices or injustices in the official thread in the forums.
I voted FFX, but I think Suikoden V should have been in there instead of Xenosaga. Anyway, X should win because it held true to the dramatic themes of older installments and was TURN-BASED!!! I enjoyed FFXII quite a bit, but that fighting system was a fail.
Man FFX is the best game ive ever played. its my favorite. i love the storyline. I still cry everynight when i remember the ending.. LoLoL.. jk. but yeah. I Loved it :D. i was so into it a few years ago :D. ahhh the memories 🙂
Both great rpgs
It was hard deciding which to vote for since I love both to death!
FFX wins it just 'cause I like Yuna more than Ashe. But Ashe is such a babe too, just not as awesome as Yuna :3
By the way Ben, you should've put it as Final Fantasy X/X-2. I always believe FFX-2 should ALWAYS go together with X.
I miss FF, it seems like the good times ended with the ps2.
I disagree with that, FFX-2 was appauling, the only thing that pretty much related to FFXs story was the ending, the game jus twent completely off track, with 3 annoying women acing like charlies angles, whats also annoying is how they completely estroyed Yunas character, Yuna and Rikku are pretty much the same on this game;,whinny and annoying. I keep FF-X2 in a double CD case with FFX im ashamed to have it.
FFXII practically had no story or character development, Balthier was the only one which a detailed past. all you did was go through fields and temples battering enemies. the combat system was pretty much Bubble, Hastaga, Curaga and attack, there was no need for anything else. i also felt there was nothing worthwhile doing once the game was over, the sidequests just didnt feel rewarding enough. FFXII was probaly the biggest gaming disapointment of my life! FFX- i was expecting to be bad but i was really lookign forward to FFXII, it left me upset for many days.
Well that's your opinion on it.
I feel that X-2 was big on story, really cleared up a lot of Spira's history, and FOLLOWED FFX's ending in a very admirable way.
Of course it was more light hearted, after SIN you'd expect a better world. It was a different take, and just because it's different than the original doesn't mean it's bad.
On FFXII, well it's fine if you didn't like it. Though I loved it to death!
why did you have to put xenosaga with ff x. so unfair, both games were super great.
I thought Xenosaga was a better game than the FF games as well. It had a more thought out and developed story, fantastic cut scenes, a good combat system, and one of the coolest characters to come alog in an RPG in awhile (KOS-MOS). Sure the graphics may not have been up to the standards of the FF series, but graphics doesn't make the game.
i LOVE how u get to controls ur summons/aeons in ffx, is tat the only ff game tat allows u to control ur summons, like give order to ur summons instead of just watch a cool summoning scene?
FFXII lets you do that too, they even hang around you for as long as possible too. Though they're not as strong as in previous FF games(unless you do some nifty tricks to enhance them)
There was absolutely nothing wrong with FFX-2, as most reviews will clearly indicate. The "machismo" effect, where some people couldn't handle the fact that all three main characters were girls, seemed to cause a widespread – and inaccurate – belief that the game was of a low quality.
It WASN'T, regardless of whether or not someone likes the style.
Its not the fact that the 3 main characters were female that bothered me, its that the 3 characters we so imature, its clear paine was just stuffed in there to be a contrast of the other 2.
I didn't have a problem with the girls being the lead characters either, but when the game opened with a Britney Spears wannabe concert…My first thoughts were "ahh crap!!!" I felt as though the Final Fantasy series that I used to love playing had turned into a story out of a pre-teen magazine.
Looking back I kind of lost interest in the Series after FF8. I still bought the others because it was final fantasy, but I wasn't as thrilled about them as I was with the earlier ones. I've played through FF7 over and over and still do. But I've never gone back to any of the others after I beat them. I'll probably eventually buy the new one when it comes out, but I won't need to have it on the day it launches I might even wait until it becomes a greatest hits.
No, Japan is a different place.
A place were the pop scene is actually good and actually accepted.
Yuna's concert scenes have a Japanese influence to them.
This is where your statement fails, you need to understand that this is a jrpg and it is a game made for the Japanese in mind, first.
I vote Xenosaga, if you haven't experienced this trilogy then I feel very sorry for you, they are all 3 AMAZING games.
FFX was the worst one in my opinion.
I'm aware of the craze in Japan, with their millions of karaoke bars and idols. I knew that's why they put it in there. I guess unfortunately for me, I'm not into the whole Japan scene, which ruined FFX-2 for me. (PS it wasn't a statement, just opinion, A comment if you will. :P) I also understand that FF was released for Japan first. So were the others, but they had better storylines and depth to thme I felt. In my opinion FFX-2 was more of a cash grab marketing scheme then it was about the game. They used references to the Pop culture in Japan so people would buy into it more. But that's just my opinion.
I voted for FFX, but I actually prefer FFIX,
I actually wanna vote Xenosaga 'cause that's my all time fav RPG… but instead I voted for FFX b/c that's my 2nd ON THE LIST (yes not my 2nd overall)…. and I guess I'd rather see FFX win over FFXII
*kinda sucks that I have to do this* Sry
This is exactly the point. Nobody here has mentioned anything about FFX-2's actual QUALITY; just their own subjective views on the music and characters. This is why that game has been unjustly viewed for years, IMO.