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Manhunt 2 Finally Coming To The UK

Thought the saga had finally ended, didn't you? Well, not for the UK, where getting games past the BBFC can be a challenging proposition.

You may remember that even after Rockstar re-edited Manhunt 2 after receiving the dreaded "AO" (Adults Only) rating from the ESRB), they resubmitted to ratings boards around the world. They managed to pass with the "M" (Mature) rating in the U.S., but the BBFC initially rejected the revised version. After a Video Appeals Committee intervened, the BBFC finally relented and granted the game a "18" rating. Now, according to IGN, nearly a year after the game released in North America, Manhunt 2 will finally launch in the UK for the PS2, PSP, and Wii on October 31. Why the Wii? We honestly have no clue. But anyway, it seems the BBFC is past their initial refusal to categorize the title, when they cited its "unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone." So if you're willing to take a chance on this brutal action/adventure game and you live in the UK, head down to the stores on Halloween and pick it up. Fitting day, yes?

If you're unfamiliar with the BBFC, they're notoriously strict when it comes to video games. And if they refuse to classify a game, that means it simply can't be sold in retail stores without severe restrictions. So it's no surprise Manhunt 2 releases last in the UK.

Related Game(s): Manhunt 2

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16 years ago

Not a game that is of great interest too me!


"aLL RoAds LeAd ToO HoMe"

16 years ago

Skip this my UK friends, the killing scenes are so screwed up you can't tell whats going on. Thankfully I have an unedited version which controls my murderous urges.

16 years ago

Well, as long as your urges stay firmly at the end of the joystick, and not beyond that we are all ok 🙂


"aLL RoAds LeAd ToO HomE"

Last edited by Qubex on 10/3/2008 11:14:14 PM

16 years ago

I'm sure we'll be fine Qube, as long as I never get a job at Gamestop and find myself up to my neck in mental defectives that is.

16 years ago



"aLL RoAds LeaD ToO HoMe"

16 years ago

Meh i've lost interest in the title, I'm focused on many othe games this fall

16 years ago

I saw the clips of the prequel on youtube. Very twisted stuff. It bothers me to know that minds can get that twisted to even imagine that stuff, and to profit from it. But sufficient is the M rating. Let the parents do their jobs.

16 years ago

I loved the first one of these. First proper survival horror! you either kill or be killed and badly!!I think the game could have a bit more in it such as cars and bikes maybe..

@ WorldEndsWithMe is it realy that bad??