Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. According to dbtechno.com, Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced they will start shutting down servers for a bunch of PS2 and PSP games. They officially go offline on June 30.
Obviously, they're only making way for more PlayStation Network stuff on the PS3, and we can't imagine that many people are still playing these PS2/PSP games online, anyway. However, we're sure there are a few, and if you're one of them, you'll likely be disappointed. It's an inevitable part of the ever-expanding and forward-minded business model, though, so don't feel too badly. Besides, look at all the great online stuff headed our way; i.e., Metal Gear Online , PlayStation Home , and the vast number of titles already available that have online modes.
Anyway, here's the full list of games that will no longer be available online after June 30:
PS2 Games
PSP Games
dont care,forward we go
Last ps2 game I played online was Mortal Kombat lol
OMG I thought Syphon Filter the Omega Strain shut down 2 years ago. I couldn't get online but I could in all of my other games. I NEED TO PLAY IT NOW. To the game shelf!
I have never heard of any of them. So maybe they take those servers down and add them to the CoD4 list cuz I can't play on servers that lag all the time.
I LOVE Jak X racing – super fun game… but did it ever have a productive online service? Just curious 'cause I got the big bulky PS2 at home (and the network adapter is somewhere in the garage)… is it worth looking for?