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Mortal Kombat Rises Again

Mortal Kombat is like an old friend in the video game realm, always there to comfort you when you think the classics have passed you by. And the best part is, your friend ain't dead yet.

Today, Midway announced that the newest installment in the legendary franchise, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon , will be available in stores tomorrow for the PS2. This one features a bigger assortment of characters than ever before, including every fighter from the MK world. And if that's not enough to satisfy you hardcore fans, the game also sports a Create-A-Fighter and Create-A-Fatality mode for custom combat. Lastly, you'll find a brand new Konquest mode.

Armageddon for the Xbox arrives next week, and the PSP will get Mortal Kombat: Unchained in November.

Related Game(s): Mortal Kombat: Armageddon