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SNK Ships King of Fighters 2006

Ahh, the latest installment has been added to one of the most venerable fighting franchises ever. No, it's not Street Fighter — it's King of Fighters. SNK Playmore has officially announced the shipment of King of Fighters 2006 for the PS2. As many of you, who follow the franchise, may already know, KOF2006 is the second 3D based fighter that improves quite a bit over 2004's mediocre KOF: Maximum Impact. It's no secret that SNK's leap into the world of Tekken and Virtua Fighter wasn't so hot, but KOF2006 looks to make up for that with more characters, options, and an overall tighter gameplay experience. Speaking of characters, you'll be quite surprised to find fighters like Richard Myer (Fatal Fury), Hanzo Hattori (Samurai Shodown), Fio (Metal Slug), and B. Jenet (Mark of the Wolves) featured in the game. Without a doubt, KOF2006 offers up some serious fan-service to the fans.

In total, the game includes 38 fighters (14 of which are hidden, and 4 are brand new). A number of characters make an appearance in 3D for the first time ever (Kula Diamond and Billy Kane). Additionally, each character has his/her own in-depth storyline with multiple endings per fighter (awesome!). Lastly, there are two modes that should keep the life of this game going: Challenge mode, and a mini-game mode called Party mode.