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Okami Paints The Shelves

One of the most anticipated PS2 games of the year has recently garnered wide critical acclaim, and after a slight delay, Capcom has shipped Okami today to stores nationwide.

Formerly known as Capcom Production Studio 4, this is the first original effort by Clover Studios, who has had previous success with the Viewtiful Joe franchise. Featuring one of the most unique ideas in recent memory, Okami tells the story of a powerful Sun God who must restore color to a decimated – and very bland – world. You take the form of a wolf named Amaterasu, and you'll travel the colorless lands, fighting to restore vibrancy via "Celestial Brush" powers. Like Mary Poppins leaping into the sidewalk painting, players will open new paths, solve puzzles, and even turn night into day with their trusty magical brush. To tie things together, the game also features real-time combat with a variety of techniques and special attacks.

Okami retails for $39.99, and now you've got an excuse to make that mall run tomorrow.

Related Game(s): Okami