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Japan’s Top Sales

1. (DS, Nintendo) New Super Mario Bros. 134568 / 2137680

2. (PS2, Namco) Xenosaga Episode III – 123847 / new

3. (DS, Nintendo) More Brain Age – 50634 / 2700187

4. (PSP, Namco) Tekken Dark Resurrection – 49426

5. (DS, Nintendo) Brain Age – 33771 / 2508373

6. (DS, Capcom) Rockman ZX – 33,652 / new

7. (PS2, Konami) Winning Eleven 10 – 31228 / 932027

8. (DS, Nintendo) Animal Crossing: Wild World – 26234 / 2911295

9. (DS, Nintendo) English Training DS – 21956 / 1239164

10. (PS2, Bandai Namco) Super Dragon Ball Z / 21355 / 116437

We've heard that Juggernaut's suing Nintendo for protection of his intellectual property.

Before you can say, "I'm Nintendo, bitch!" they've just sold another 10,000 copies of New Super Mario Bros. and that likely won't change until the company's own Wii comes along. Even Sony's big hitters aren't enough to grab the number 1 spot, but the releases are respectable nonetheless. The PSP may be the wallflower at Nintendo's party, but this week's sales prove that with a little Tekken, even it can get a little bit of action.