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More Music Games From RedOctane?

If you're one of the many, many people hooked on Guitar Hero, you're
certainly excited about the upcoming Guitar Hero 2 – but what about other music
games from RedOctane? "The next logical step within this category is to make
other music instrument-based games. What most people have been asking for and
would want next are products that we're likely already working on." said
RedOctane Co-Founder Kai Huang, in an interview with Next-Gen.Biz.

He also spoke about some of the functionality future titles may utilize "Online
is definitely going to be a huge component of what we're planning, whether
that's downloading new music or characters or skins or online play features,
those are the things that are really going to be the major changes for

Huang was surprisingly candid in the interview, so do yourself a favor and check
out the whole interview right here.