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Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Revealed

Midway announced today that Mortal Kombat: Armageddon is currently in
development for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox. They're playing up the whole
"finality" thing in the press release, in that this will be the final time we
see the game on current generation hardware, which really, doesn't matter in the
least. MK: Armageddon is expected to ship Fall 2006.

"As the final chapter of Mortal Kombat on current generation gaming platforms,
we're eager to raise the bar for the fighting genre yet again with Mortal Kombat:
Armageddon," said Steve Allison, Midway. "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon introduces
the most comprehensive cast of playable characters from every Mortal Kombat
title, both past and present, in addition to the first create–a–fighter mode in
franchise history."

In addition of including every character from the Mortal Kombat fighting
universe, the game features an in-depth Create–A–Fighter and Create–A–Fatality
modes, plus a brand new Konquest mode.