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Working Designs Closes

Sad news for RPG fans, as it came to light yesterday that game publisher Working Designs has closed its doors.

Excerpt from president Victor Ireland's statement to the WD forums :

"There's no easy way to say it, so I just will. Working Designs is gone. All the staff has been laid off and the office is closed and has been for some time. […] I want to thank each and every one of you personally for being a fan, buying the games we released, and telling your friends. You HAVE made a difference, because you bought the crazy things we did."

The company, which was founded in 1986, is best known for its rich history of role-playing game releases, including the Lunar series, Magic Knight Rayearth, Arc the Lad Collection, and Growlanser Generations. Also included on the company's publishing history are action games, such as Cadash and Gungriffon Blaze, and space shoot-'em-ups, such as RayStorm, RayCrisis, Thunderforce V (PlayStation), and Silpheed: The Lost Planet.