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ESA Videogame Charity Auction Friday

The sixth annual computer and video game industry charity auction, featuring
rare computer and video games and memorabilia, benefiting children's charities
will held on eBay from Friday, October 7 through Friday, October 14. Hundreds of
items will be auctioned including:

A 6 ft., life size statue of Master Chief from Halo
A PlayStation 2 signed by the cast of Alias
Tickets to private parties at E3Expo

WHEN: Friday, October 7 through Friday, October 14, 2005

WHERE: Items in this year’s charity auction will be available on eBay

WHY: The auction is presented by the ESA Foundation and will be held in
conjunction with the computer and video game industry's annual “Nite to Unite
for Kids” charity dinner benefiting children's charities.

The ESA Foundation was created by the American interactive entertainment
software industry to support and provide opportunities that can make a
difference in the lives of America’s youth. The Foundation is fully supported by
proceeds from "A Nite to Unite—for Kids," its annual fund-raiser that has raised
more than more than $6.7 million in the last six years.