ESPN Videogames has announced that Martin St. Louis will be the cover-boy for the upcoming ESPN NHL 2K5 video game. St. Louis is the reigning NHL MVP, led the league this year in points and assists, and — as many Calgary fans are aware — is a member of the "miraculous" Tampa Bay Lightning team that won this year's Stanley Cup.
Greg Thomas, president of Visual Concepts (makers of ESPN Videogames for Sega) had this to say about the signing, "Martin St. Louis is a great NHL player, exuding unmatched talent, confidence, and an intense passion for the game. St. Louis has worked hard to achieve success in hockey, much like what ESPN Videogames has done in the video game world. His skills on the ice make him the perfect representative for ESPN NHL 2K5."
This latest edition of the ESPN NHL series is due out for both the Xbox and PS2 this September.