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PSXE Best Of The Best Polls Update: GT2 Crosses Finish First

The first round of our Best PS1 Sports/Racing game poll is now complete, and perhaps some of you will be surprised with the results.

First of all, while Gran Turismo 2 was the lead vote-getter, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 gave it a serious run for its money and what should've been an obvious Gold Medal run is now very much in doubt! Furthermore, we at PSXE are surprised once again at a few of the popular choices. We still can't figure out how Castlevania: Symphony of the Night didn't at least medal in the Best Action/Adventure category, and now, we don't understand how Wipeout XL could've been eliminated in the first round. Quite possibly one of the best racing games ever, and certainly one of the best of the 32-bit generation, Wipeout XL was a true-blue phenomenon. But we're not about to quibble; this is your choice, dear reader, not ours. And so, here are your picks for the top 5, which will now move on to the second and final week. Which of the qualifiers will take home medals, and can GT2 stave off THPS2 once again?

I'd also like to remind all of you that after this Poll is complete, we'll be moving on to the "special" poll for next week: it will consist of all the great PS1 titles that didn't quite make the genre awards; we'll take 10 of the previously forgotten and have them fight it out for the final spot in our upcoming Best Overall PS1 Game Poll. If you have some ideas as to what this game should be, please tell us in the official thread in our forums. But first, make sure to vote for the ultimate winner in the Sports/Racing category!

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16 years ago

The poll results should always have a heading that reads "PSX Readers' best.. Award". The choices made have been curious at best.

16 years ago

Glad THPS2 is close with GT2 and NfS making third for the time being. Both of them were my favorite games back in the day.

16 years ago

crash team racing RULLLZ

16 years ago

It's NfS or GT for me on this poll.

16 years ago

Voted for Gran Turismo 2, still one of the best racing games out there….

Man I can't wait for Gran Turismo 5!!!!!!

16 years ago

Crash Team Racing is by far the best, YOU PEOPLE SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED! i thought the GT series was boring.

16 years ago

Opinions will be opinions

Fact remains that Gran Turismo was the best selling game for Playstation(1).

16 years ago

Probably cause you're not very good at it, NOT that there's anything wrong with that.

16 years ago

i was shocked about castlevania 2??? not 2 much about wipeout. I would love 2 see a castlevania on ps3 or legacy of kane!!!!

16 years ago

Gran Turismo changed my life…and my relationship with my brother. 1 ps and we had to share.

16 years ago

GT2 and CTR for me

16 years ago

Vroom, where is WipEout

16 years ago

Lol, who at PSXE is surprised ? GT not only sold Millions UPON MILLIONS of copies but also helped moved millions more PS1s and subsequently PS2. GT was the oh so clear choice…Revolutionizing racing games and pushing limits, a characteristic that still exists…God i love Prologue. Nice stuff.