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Avalanche Heads To Costa Rica To Collect Open-World Material

When a developer sets out to create a detailed, immersive open-world setting for a video game, there's often a lot of legwork involved.

Ask Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios. The team traveled to the Costa Rican rain forest this past spring in order to capture reference material for future projects.

Although they use a lot of Just Cause 2 footage in the video below, the developer says the material they gathered will be utilized in multiple upcoming sandbox games. That will probably include the third Just Cause , although we're not sure how this footage would be relevant to the Mad Max game scheduled for next-gen consoles. That's like…a lot of desert, right? But maybe there will be more diversity in the landscape than we think.

Anyway, this is the kind of necessary work involved when producing an open-world extravaganza.

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10 years ago

saw 1 min of Mad Max gameplay and was floored and they're saying they will have 5 different types of environments, so jungle is also confirmed.

Last edited by Kiryu on 12/4/2013 1:16:51 PM

10 years ago

Kinda tired of open world and sandbox, inFamous and Fallout are all I need.

10 years ago

love both of those, but another Just Cause would be awesome.

10 years ago

now that u'r tired u should take a chance and try Yakuza 4 or Yakuza 5

10 years ago

Hopefully there will be some diversity in the free roam now. I liked the second one to an extent, but wow did it get boring.

10 years ago

well i wonder what these guys cud be up to getting landscape ideas for just cause 3 maybe or something else who knows it'll be interesting to see what comes of this trip.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

wish they would do another just cause game, 2 was just oh so much fun!
this time though give us more grapple lines, and make it shoot further.
one of the best games to play on PC its amazing the amount of mods and trainers there is for the game.

10 years ago

I never got really into Just Cause.
The graphics were great (especially the PC version), the world is obviously large and nice looking, the gameplay mechanics were interesting and there's tons of room to be creative, but… I dunno… I just never really got into it.

I'll carefully read the reviews of the sequel but it's definitely not an instabuy for me. Maybe if they added coop. That'd be awesome in a world like this.

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