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Fans Clamor For Shenmue 3, Sega Doesn’t Rule It Out

Who wants Shenmue 3 ? For most, it's a silly question because everyone wants it, right?

CVG asked this very question of its readers and the overwhelming response was clear. The vast majority not only want a third Shenmue but if the project existed, it would probably top their interest and priority lists. One commenter even replied- "I would buy Shenmue 3 even if it cost me my soul." So, is this good enough for Sega to kick things into high gear and deliver what the fans want? Well, not quite. Said Sega West president Mike Hayes:

"While at present we have no plans for the franchise [on next-gen consoles], the response to CVG's question has certainly shown the Shenmue legacy ignites a lot of passion among fans. Never say never…"

The "no plans" part is disappointing but expected and the "never say never" part will keep the hope alive for many fans. Sega is actually working on a new Shenmue for the iPhone and PC so it's not like they've abandoned the name; perhaps it's only a matter of time… I suppose I'll have to admit that I could never get into the games in question. I tried. I really did. Something just never clicked for me…but I'm obviously in the minority.

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13 years ago

Ah man, how am I ever going to play an HD game of Lucky Hit?

Well hopefully Sega scrapes together enough resources and quality devs to produce a good sequel. If it ever happens.

I liked Shenmue a lot.

All of those unforgettable lines.
"Excuse me, but what can you tell me about the four Woo-Doo?"
"The other day, about the incident"
"Let's get sweaty"


13 years ago

Lol! Sega better bring back the inane voice talent, and polite and strangely silly dialogue! I know it wouldn't quite cut it this gen, but Shenmue wouldn't be the same without it!

13 years ago

"Do you know where I can find some sailors?"

13 years ago

…and they better bring back fork lift driving. Cool games like Halo and Shenmue have fork lifts.

13 years ago

Shenmue…..don't know a single thing about it except sailors……..

13 years ago

Actually, they said it would be exclusive to the console manifacturer that funds them. Please, let it be Sony as I cannot afford a 360 right now and Wii would be out of the question considering potential sales. I wouldn't care about it being exclusive if Sega hasn't said that.

Anyway, until they decide to release Shenmue 3, we got Yakuza, the spiritual succesor. Maybe I can keep waiting as long as Yakuza is around. Btw a Yakuza 1,2 HD collection and a Shenmue 1 and 2 one would be pretty good

13 years ago

Maybe it's because I didn't play this in the arcade, but I just couldn't get into shenmue on the last gen systems…but if they were to make it Move Compatible? could be an interesting twist on the game.. It might give it back that "Arcade" feel.

13 years ago

Shenmue was in an arcade? Man that would take lots of quarters.

13 years ago

I think you're confused Sh1nook. Shenmue was about as likely to appear in an arcade as Heavy Rain is.

13 years ago

I loved Shenmue on Dreamcast. I never got a chance to play the second one so I'd either have to scrape up some money and find one of the few US copies or find an old Xbox and the game.

13 years ago

What sega should do is get Quanticdream to develop the game after heavy rain they could do shenmue 3 right and since all the they r trying to appeal to the western market anyways 2 birds with one stone and they said who ever steps up with the cash (PS3,3suxty) they would get exclusivity rights hoping sony did and or does cuz my 360 is just a stand for my PS3 to stand on lol ^_^

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

First, release 1 and 2 in a HD Collection so that I have a better gauge of what I'm getting into. Also, I get the feel that if this becomes a reality it will be a PS exclusive. Sega seems to be the only ones to realise that these games work better like that, going so far as to keep them off the X-Box: VC, Yakuza, Platinum wanting Bayonetta to be a 360-exclusive. Well, at least they're listening to the fans… or pretending to.

13 years ago

Loved the Shenmue, but it's hard to play the games now. At the time they were a breakthrough, but they really show their age now. The controls feel bad, there isn't much action, and the voice acting will grate your last nerve. BUT just imagine what could be done with it THIS generation.

I think Sony should go out on a limb like they did with Heavy Rain and fund this game for Sega. They could make some stake money by releasing the HD updates on PSN. (At least I think so, I know MS had Part 2 in the US but not in Europe)

The first Shenmue on DC was ahead of its time and I'd like to be able to see the whole concept realized with the proper power.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/2/2010 1:59:14 PM

13 years ago

sorry to be off topic but they annouced exclusive dlc for the ps3 for the new assasins creed game over on the ps blog

13 years ago

That would be cool… I love games like Shenmue and Yakuza… Just finished Yakuza 3 a few months ago… Seems like the only game with the japanese style on it this gen

13 years ago

One of the greatest games of all time. Segas diamond in the rough.

Many imitators, no beaters.

I honestly cannot believe it came out 10 years ago. It's still fresh. One of the biggest benchmarks ever set. WAY ahead of it's time.

Bringing it back is a 50/50. It can't innovate again….and if they try to hard, most likely, it won't be Shenmue anymore. Worse, is if they try to commercialise it to ensure the sales (westernise it). I fear the latter.

I think it should be done the classic 128bit way with HD specs and suitable improvements, that way, it still feels the same, it feels as if the story never came to a halt.

To further though….on the 'IF' that it was a true this gen game, i'd have it so that it's graphics and physics only get that treatment, keep it slow paced in exploration mode and all about just that, exploration. Too many this gen updates could tamper badly with the unrivalled and classic atmosphere.

13 years ago

i really dont care, never been a real fan of the series so im not fussed.
though it is one of the most famous games out there, so it would make allot of people happy so i hope they do finally bring it out!
though, its SEGA and all SEGA has done is disappoint me this gen so i aint holding my breath!
SEGA just like crapcom and $E are dead!
use to be the pinnacle of the games industry, use to be the 3 best publishers in the industry!
now there among 3 of the worst!

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